Making a website stand out from the rest can be a challenging task. However, there is a simple technique that can enhance any landing page or header: using gradient text.
While gradients can be an effective design element, it’s important not to overuse them. Gradients work best when used on headings or to emphasize specific words, but should not be used for longer blocks of text.
With tailwind, this task can be really easy. With just some tailwind rules and a custom css animation you can accomplish it.
1. Add the gradient text
class="text-2xl font-bold bg-gradient-to-r from-orange-700 via-blue-500 to-green-400 text-transparent bg-clip-text animate-gradient"
My gradient text
Here, we first set the text to be bold and extra large. Then we add the background gradient colors with tailwind’s “from”, “via” and “to” rules. After that, we use “text-transparent” and “bg-clip-text”, this will make the gradient background take over the text shape.
Now it’s just missing the animation. Let’s build it.
2. Add the animation
The following is the animation’s css.
.animate-gradient {
background-size: 300%;
-webkit-animation: animatedgradient 6s ease infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: animatedgradient 6s ease infinite alternate;
animation: animatedgradient 6s ease infinite alternate;
@keyframes animatedgradient {
0% {
background-position: 0% 50%;
50% {
background-position: 100% 50%;
100% {
background-position: 0% 50%;
You can add the above css somewhere, but a good practice when working with tailwind is extending the default theme. Go to your tailwind.config.cjs
and add the following code:
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
keyframes: {
animatedgradient: {
'0%': { backgroundPosition: '0% 50%' },
'50%': { backgroundPosition: '100% 50%' },
'100%': { backgroundPosition: '0% 50%' },
backgroundSize: {
'300%': '300%',
animation: {
gradient: 'animatedgradient 6s ease infinite alternate',
Don’t forget to add bg-300%
to your class:
class="text-2xl font-bold bg-gradient-to-r from-orange-700 via-blue-500 to-green-400 text-transparent bg-clip-text bg-300% animate-gradient"
My gradient text
Basically what this animation do is to zoom in the background and go leftwards and rightwards alternating between the colors during 6 seconds.
3. Bonus: Create a react component for this element
type TextGradientProps = {
text: string
from?: string
via?: string
to?: string
export default function TextGradient(props: TextGradientProps) {
const from = props.from || 'from-orange-700'
const via = props.via || 'via-blue-500'
const to = || 'to-green-400'
return (
className={`bg-gradient-to-r ${from} ${via} ${to} text-transparent bg-clip-text bg-300% animate-gradient`}
Thanks for reading.